Like many children who grow up in a family business, as he neared adulthood, Brian Kuperus began to question if his true passion was somewhere outside of the farm. Young and motivated, he decided to apply his work ethic in other areas of his life, which led to his success as a businessman. Brian’s independent spirit and work ethic took him all over Michigan, but eventually, he returned to the place that taught him the most about life – his family’s farm.
Today Brian is content to watch his children ride horses at home. He’s taught them how to take care of the ponies and helped them learn to ride their quarter horses. He attributes their strong independence to growing up on the farm just like he did, and is grateful his children are the third generation of the Kuperus family to enjoy the beautiful Michigan farm country. Just as generations before him, Brian puts his heart into working and making the most of the family land.

The couple has five children, and four grandchildren. Together they enjoy watching their family care for and ride the couple’s four horses, and spend the bulk of the summer camping and boating as a family. Brian attributes his children’s strong independence to growing up on the farm just like he did, and is grateful they’re the third generation of the Kuperus family to enjoy the beautiful Michigan farm country. Just as generations before them, Brian and Cathy put their hearts into working and making the most of the family land — building a legacy for the next generation.
Benefits of Specialization
Brian knows farming. This gives him a distinct advantage for helping his clients because he understands the work, how to care for the land, and how to monetize the property. That’s what makes him an especially great real estate agent for those who share his passion for the land.
For those looking to purchase or invest in a farm, hobby farm, horse property or other large plot of accent land, Brian is the ultimate resource. He’s always up-to-speed on the market’s available inventory of properties — or those soon to come to the market.
For those looking to sell their land, Brian brings a wealth of resources, such as specialized marketing plans that best showcase the qualities of each plot of land. He also has cultivated an extensive network of investors looking for horse properties, hobby farms, farmland and raw land.